Brazil is still a country of edentulous (IBGE/ “O Globo” newspaper, Jun 2015). About 11% of the population over 18 lost all of their teeth and 13% lost 13 or more teeth. There is a huge opportunity for Companies that manufacture or distribute fixed/ removable prostheses, implants, dentures and full-archs.
There is also a good opportunity to improve scale, quality and productivity through digital solutions as long as there is a well-constructed bridge between dentists, clinics, distribuctors and dental labs as long as they are seen as part of the same business/chain, not as competitors.
K2Go Consultoria will help you Investor, Dentist, Dental Lab to position yourself in this scenario, analyse the best KBFs and/ or drive DMUs based on a broad base of professionals who plays in this market.
Bring in your questioning and let´s talk about opportunities!
Marcos Kogut
Business Manager at K2Go Consultoria